我要领券网 > Hostpapa.com优惠码 > Hostpapa.com

  • 网站名称:Hostpapa.com
  • 网站地址:http://www.hostpapa.com/
  • 支付方式:支持visa、 mastercard、 american express、paypal
  • 网站简介:它是来自加拿大的主机商,也是加拿大主机商的佼佼者,它成立于2005年,虽然是一家仅仅只有5年历史的主机商,但是他们却非常有实力!它们与Ipage一样,使用的是风能发电提倡环保的虚拟主机!多年来,他们始终仅仅提供一种方案的虚拟主机,而且价格也没有多大的优惠,但是他们的主机的确稳定,无限的流量,无限的空间,建无限的网站,可以建100个的MySQL等等!在美国虚拟主机中,他们的在线时间保证uptime也是首屈一指的,在外部对于他们的评价中,也证明Hostpapa的在线时间确实一流!
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    When I first started using them I gave them a 5 star review. That was until May of 2020 when I was a 10 months into my 3 year contract on a "Business" plan (see image). Like dozens or hundreds of others have reported (when I decided to complain I found over a hundred complaints so far to BBB, Ad Council of Canada, and other review and information sites), they threatened me over a secret metric called "Entry Points". On a site with extremely low traffic, a rogue search decided to aggressively index my site. Their response was to demand that I pay over $400 to upgrade to a high-performance host or they would suspend my account. I added filtering to block the known robots, and it happened again. This time they locked out my Cpanel and suspended all of my sites and demanded that I upgrade. There is no traffic, it is lucky that I had not moved my main business site over to them yet. To threaten suspension and/or demand a $400 plan upgrade for exceeding an unpublished limit (in fact an implied unlimited parame