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  • 网站名称:Bluehost
  • 网站地址:http://www.bluehost.com
  • 支付方式: 不支持支付宝 不支持Paypal国际版 不支持双币信用卡
  • 网站简介:Bluehost是一家美国的虚拟主机提供商,目前已被EIG财团收购,但依旧保持原有的运营风格。Bluehost成立于1996年,位于犹他州。为了能提供更专业可靠的网站服务,超过10多年主要专注于虚拟主机服务,不过于2013年也开始陆续推出VPS(Virtual Private Server)主机服务和独立主机服务(Dedicated Hosting)。
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    BlueHost has the worst customer service in any company that I had ever dealt with. Trying to get issues fixed on your hosting account is nearly impossible. They outsource everything to India. No one is trained properly and their technical expertise doesn't exist. When sending in a ticket about an issue or using their live chat, you get generic copy and paste answers. I had to get my issues escalated 4 times until it hit BlueHost's parent company "Endurance" and Endurance was even worse. Do not host with BlueHost.
    Bluehost is terrible. Non existent customer service and very slow servers. When things go sideways, you can only reach low level overseas tech support who know next to nothing and are permitted to do even less... basically they are place setters for real tech support. If anything bad happens to your site or server, be prepared to wait for days for 2nd tier support to help... and then only via email. Total joke! Didn't always use to be like this... but it is now. Sad how poor they have become. STAY AWAY!
    Bluehost started off as a referred service a few years ago and the first issue started with their security services. But rather than switching, I proceeded to continue doing business with the company(see receipt) and that was a huge mistake. For someone that has their top quality products, the service from ill informed techs to lack of support when malware or a bug shuts off my site is poor at best. I described it to them and everyone else like this: "Imagine you just bought a new car and the dealership won't let you drive it off the lot without getting some parts fixed on it. Rather than the dealership doing it for free since you spent so much with them, they want to get paid more!" I feel taken advantage of and ripped off, my website/app is suffering because they found one jpeg malware and couldn't tell me for a couple days on how to remove it and wanted payment, even though their techs could of done it in an hour. I understand this can't be a constant free service, but as the first issue in years, why not give good customer service? Also speaking with the techs, they sent you back and forth and you can't even hear them half of the time because their headsets are junk. Their new automated voice service and "token" system is also a joke and doesn't work properly. Extremely disappointed in Bluehost and I have dealt with GoDaddy and other web hosting providers over the last two decades that have way better service. I guess my mistake for listening to someone without doing my research.
    Over the past ten years my account with bluehost has gotten much worse featured by them selling my clients services that i offer and then outsourcing that overseas; discontinued domestic customer service and an ABM style that employees former Tech 1 advisors as "web advisors" who are there to sell.
    Please do not do any advertising promotion for this company, because after you register for the promotion, it is difficult for you to get the commission inside. They will close your account for various reasons. Of course, they will not close your account in the early stage, because You are advertising for them for free. When you check your account and there is a certain commission in it, they start to shut down. The reason is that you violated their policy. As for which policy? They won't tell you, Because they are the referees themselves, don't waste time dealing with such garbage companies!
    There aren't enough words to describe my horror story with this company. Over the past few years they have turned into a zero accountability, cutting corner, shell of a hosting company. They used to have great service. Now be prepared to have many frustrating conversations, repeating your problem over and over if anything goes wrong. I had the simple task of moving a subdomain to a new account absolutley go south at every turn. I spoke to three techs who all supposedly "escalated" the case only to be told subsequently each time that it had not been done. It took 2.5 weeks and countless calls and chats to be done. With constant errors from the tech side of things I was getting contradicting information left and right. Once the site was finally moved and everything seemed to be ok- BOOM the site goes down. Another 10 calls and chats and nobody can figure out why- they wanted to escalate yet again. Knowing how that goes, I just ended up cancelling my account and getting *some* of my money back. BEWARE of this company, I wasted so much time and money trying to make it work with them.
    Very bad experience. They hold your domain has hostage. Take day to resolve anything. Very difficult to get refund it has been more than 4 days. People are nice working there but there system & management are horrible.
    I have used Bluehost for more than 5 years. They are well optimized if you are running a Wordpress site. That is their specialty. The one complaint I have about them is the customer support. The wait time is long. And once you get them on chat they are chatting with ten other people at the same time so that entire process is very long as well. Call them instead of trying to use chat if you are short on time. They no longer have a ticketing system at all. So, it's chat or phone only.
    All my sites are down for over 10 days and every time I contact them, they ask for a couple of hours as the specialist is having a look. Last two times they asked for 48 hours and the sites are still down and no one updated me.
    We have multiple accounts with Bluehost, and our first account dates back to 2006. In earlier times, Bluehost tried hard to get your business and gave us the needed attention and was able to fix problems right on the spot with a simple telephone call. BUT, not anymore! During the last five years, Bluehost and its affiliates lack tremendous of customer service support. Not able to resolve the simplest issues that would just take a few minutes of their attention to react to the customer needs. In the meantime, we could write a bestseller: "The Best Way How To Drive Your Customer To Madness" with all the negative and deceiving experiences we made with the Bluehost and its affiliations over the last few years. The latest debacle we have is regarding a corrupted directory. Bluehost acknowledged in writing that they have valid backup files which should not take more than 10 minutes to reinstall to fix the damaged directory. BUT, for the entire last two weeks, Bluehost customer service did not start with the restoring works. We called 96 times Bluehost's customer service, which is notable in the Philippines and not in the USA! The customer service in the Philippines has no access to the customer accounts to service them. It is all phony. They tell you that they send you an email to which you need to replay. If you once get an email, so after every four to five calls, and you replay to it, you will find that the return address of this email is: *******@bluehost.com. We tracked this email and found that it ends up nowhere, sent to empty space. We requested other email addresses and had some emails going forward and backward (a total of 36 emails) with the Philippine custom service. Long story short. 2 Weeks, 96 Calls, 36 emails, 6 Tracking-Numbers, and 2 Case-Numbers later and Bluehost could still not be moved forward to start a 10 minutes directory reload from their backup server. In the meantime, we are losing business. When it comes to mailing out your bills, Bluehost is the fastest (and please check those bills carefully), when it comes to service. Just forget about it. Be warned that Bluehost is operated by Endurance International Group. Also, be aware that this group has multiple different host-providers and internet services such as HostGator, ConstantContact, iPage, SiteBuilder, Bigrock, and we made the same, very disappointing experience, with all those services provided by Endurance International Group. And if you don't believe it, be my guest and try it out. But don't come back crying and say that I didn't tell you so!
    This host is fast and responsive whenever I contact them and their pricing policy is simple and affordable for the webmasters with a tight budget. Their tech staff is helpful for me and they are skillful and knowledgeable.
    I was a customer of Bluehost since 2008, I have several accounts and host over 100 websites some with custom code, many just WordPress. I have not needed much tech support and over the years the tech support has been wonderful. I got a call from a customer of mine his website was suspended. I found out over 80 sites, all that was on a single account were suspended. I called they said I was infected with malware, They turned off 80 sites with no notification. They told me to turn them back on I needed to purchase a service from them site lock and it would cost $175 per domain, $14,000.00, or I could find the malware and remove it myself and request a scan and they would turn it back on. I could understand some freak SQL injection or other problem on a site but on all 80? I use two-factor and strong passwords and could not understand all 80 sites being screwed up. They told me this is common and that the SQL databases are all interconnected. As a 40 year developer, I say that is a load of bull. I moved each of the sites to a new hosting service. They all came up, did not find any malware. Maybe a user name on a guestbook that had some quotes that could have been an attempt of injection. Bluehost is not to be trusted I believe this is really just stealing and they should be avoided at all cost.
    I'm going to save you a lot of work and hassle if you listen to this review. Bluehost has the right to take your websites offline without any reason. They explain it by having 'exceeded usages limits' (even though they say its unlimited usage) and want you to upgrade to their PRO account. Regardless if that is actually the case or if you're already on a PRO account. This means they are just running a scam by taking your websites offline and then offering the solution to get them back online by paying more money to them. It is a total scam run by money-grabbing people whereas the CEO of Endurance group Jeff Fox made $10.000.000 in 2019 alone and the CEO of Bluehost Suhaib Zaheer $2.300.000. They are an evil company run by people with zero morals and the worst customer support you can imagine. I am going to report their theft to the FTC and BBB and will reach out to all media outlets and all their affiliates. I'm glad to know their reputation sinks in the toilet when researching their company online. DO NOT GO TO BLUEHOST EVER.
    After migrating a few of my websites to Bluehost, nothing but problems have arisen. I'm appalled at their lack of intelligence or ability to think. I have to repeat everything 10 or 15 times. It was apparent in the first email that they didn't know what was going on or how to solve anything. 1.) On 1 PRO hosting account I've had a website that was extremely slow, so after talking to them, they told me to upgrade to a dedicated VPS service and transfer the domain. They said it would be done in a matter of hours however it ended up taking 5 days of my website being offline without any improvement the website speed after the upgrade. When you start reaching out to their support you start realizing what a horrible company they are. The support staff is inexperienced and tell you different stories the whole time only to meet their quotes and making you spend more money but without actually helping you. I've lost more than a thousand dollars on this account and they do not reimburse you for it only of more of their $#*!ty hosting. 2.) On my second account [SCAM ALERT] they took 3 of my websites offline with the reason that I've exceeded their usages limits (even though they say its unlimited usage) because of too big of database size and to upgrade to their PRO account: 1. I was already on a PRO account 2. After my developers checked everything it turned out I never exceeded the thresholds of 3000 tables or 5GB anyways. This means they are just running a scam by taking your websites offline and then offering the solution to get them back online by paying more money to them. My websites were down for 6 days and I've lost hundreds of dollars in income, have to pay my developers for all the work they did and NONE of it will be refunded by Bluehost. I migrated everything away from them and they do not even want to refund my sign-up costs. It is a total scam run but incapable and money-grabbing people whereas the CEO of Endurance group Jeff Fox made $10.000.000 in 2019 alone and the CEO of Bluehost Suhaib Zaheer $2.300.000. Be aware you do not get scammed by them, I've warned you. They are an evil company run by people with zero morals. I am going to report their theft to the FTC, BBB, and law enforcement. I will not go down without a fight and they will regret stealing from me and other affiliates as their reputation sinks in the toilet.
    After I paid for everyhting,,$149,,, the email was not working... I made international calls ( cost more than $150!) between them and Godaddy to know the issue and fix it. First mistake, Bluehost charge me the wrong price! They charge me $10 while its $140! ( $129 in Godaddy). Second mistake, after the calls,,, the first customer service correspondent, went by himself, and refund me my office 365! I told him 2 times to do nothing till i call Godaddy! Now i have to pay again to them to get the same service which is their mistakes in both times! I called again and spoke to another guy,, he want helpful ( Alex) and i went to buy another domain. After more than 4 hours,, and after useless Live Chat,, the lady on the other side, from her answers seems she knows nothing! Useless! Pathetic! I requested to talk to the manager,, after all of this long Chatting,, he said he WILL TRY to fix the issue! He was doing me a service! A favour! What a professional customer service! You did both mistakes! And i had to pay for the international calls! And I had to call and chase you to fix my problem. You did nothing but making it worse! Ugly and ** service, nothing is well in the first 24 hours! What will happened after that?!?!? What they will do next?! It is a mistake that i went to deal with you. My bad. You should refund all my money. I will not stop writing here till I got my money
    Untrustworthy business and breach of personal information given out including email and phone number while domain privacy is still in effect. I am not sure how this service is rated top in the field as I was besieged by a number of people trying to contact me to set up my website while my domain privacy was still intact. A total of 14 phone calls and emails over there today. And this was immediately after joining bluehost. No mention of the domain privacy when signing up. The word press set up for the webpages was less than desirable. Stay clear of this business as I am sure they will be out of business sooner than later.
    I used this company to host a small business. I wanted to cancel the service after about 4 months due to my wife/business partner passing away and the business closing. When I contacted their customer service to close the account I was told I could not receive ANY refund. Ok, that's not good but fine. Fast forward 6 months and I receive emails about auto renewal. So I contact them again to close the account so my credit card doesn't get charged again. This time the customer service rep says he can't refund the entire amount but can refund the unused portion. When I ask why I was told 6 months ago there would be no refund but now I'm being told I can get one; his reply was "last agent forgot on this process ". So, because of this lame excuse I'm now out $500. Wish I could tell the IRS I forgot the process that's why I didn't pay taxes
    Back when I began hosting with BlueHost, they were the best. Cheap. Crackerjack American kids answering your every question and setting you up with ease. Compare that to now! Today, I wanted to cancel SiteBackup Pro, which I added a few months back because Bluehost suddenly deleted my 10 year old account with no backup because I was a few days late paying. There was NO WARNING - - NO change of policy information -- because over the last decade, I've forgotten to renew occasionally and it was never an issue. So it was to my great shock that I lost over 10 years of emails, etc. with NO WARNING. In fact, that's my property, BlueHost and maybe I should sue for damages... So I added this worthless thing called sitebackup, but could never cancel it... Today, I spent over 30 minutes chatting with some dumb ass from another country who (as typical) can't form a sentence. He forced me to reset my password, then asked for it over the chat, then scolded me, after a 1/2 hour eventually took off the $2.99 charge. I asked if there was another way to do this besides contacting customer support and he said no. The funniest thing was, he asked me for my password and I gave it to him: (no joke). F###YouBlueHost! (Replace the first four digits with the actual letters of course). As soon as I can gather up my domains I will transfer them to another hosting service immediately. I don't need this abuse from a once American company.
    Tech support is horrible. I left Bluehost because of functionality issues. I was notified my renewal date was forthcoming, so I followed the cancellation instructions and migrated over to Hostgator (or so I thought). I updated my WordPress website and discovered that I hadn't been migrated? Hostgator went back to Bluehost and somehow during the transfer, I lost two weeks worth of work. I contacted Bluehost and the technician kept me on the line for over an hour "not understanding" my issue and informed me that only a technician and cancel an account which was contrary to everything instruction I read from Bluehost. I also asked for a refund and received a "prorated" refund. Who dropped the ball, Bluehost or Hostgator? Both, in my opinion but hands down Bluehost has the worst instance of customer service when the technician resort to lying.
    I got transferred to their advanced domain support team. I was told they would contact me through email. A week later still no response and I cannot use the service I am paying for...
    14 tech support phone calls in 2 weeks should be a red flag. Heck, it should be an arsenal... don't walk--RUN the other way as fast as you can. I host my personal email as well as business email and website through BlueHost and have for more than 3 years. Suddenly in the last year their serve tanked, as has my website and mail numerous times. First let's talk about overall run time. My website has been down more than 6 times in the last 8 months. For a small business, that is a death sentence. It was even down the day I was scheduled for a redesign with my webmaster--great My email went down several times as well, randomly, and I never knew it. Then the biggie. They shut off my accounts and turned off my website without notification. It turned out they had expired. Well, I had called them more then 6 times, spending more than a total of 4 1/2 hours on hold trying to renew my accounts without ever being able to reach anyone. So I renewed (don't ask me why), and they turned everything back on. The very next week I received a maintenance notice that they were doing "emergency" work on my server to protect my information and provide better service and my email would be down for 2 hours overnight. I awoke the next morning to NO email, past or present, so another 45 minute call for them to locate my emails and then reload them. Let's talk about tech support. I bought a new iPhone and changed from an android, so needed new settings. That took 3 phone calls. And then, after they reset my account, it took another 5 phone calls to get the correct settings for my iPad and iPhone, with each tech person telling me something different. They told me they could only provide me one solution and if that didn't work, I had to call back. Really? Tech support hold times average 30 minutes to 50 minute just to reach a live person. They all will confidently provide you their working solution, but often it is incorrect, causing frustration and the need to start all over again. There are no supervisors to talk with and they have removed any process by which you can file a complaint. Bottom line--they were once in the top 10 hosting companies consistently and now are consistently omitted from the top ten list. I think that says it all. ***Update 4/10/17 Email was once again totally wiped out. Took 47 minutes on hold, 19 minutes of issue "resolution" for them to tell me they didn't know what the issue was, but they could do a restore of the last backup from 3:23 am today. So they did, and there were no emails since 4/2/17. I tried to move service to another host company and BlueHost locked up emails. Nothing is easy with this inept company.
    My favorite web hosting provider is bluehost - I have tried many other hosting options including one's like godaddy and verio, but after reading reviews of web hosting companies, it seemed like everyone really liked bluehost. They cheap, they have free domain name registration forever, great support, dedicated IP, and support all of the code that I need. I think pretty much everyone should be using them and I see no reason to go to other companies for hosting anymore. Plus, I have never really noticed any downtime from them.
    These people would just take your site down without a reason. My site got hacked once, and they wanted me to buy their DOCTOR package of 200$ dollars to fix it. I somehow fixed it by spending a whole night. Few days went by and they took down my site again, this time without concrete reason. Their ultimate aim is to leech off you and grab as much money as possible. These f****** wasted 6 months of my hardwork. I want my 100$ refund
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